Karl Krause has served as a Ministry Assistant at Faith since July 2022, and he serves primarily in children’s ministry, supervising children’s church, children’s Sunday School classes, and Awana, and coordinating volunteers for those ministries. Before the Lord brought him to our staff, Karl served as the local director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Northeast North Dakota for seven years.

Karl was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and moved to Eden Prairie, Minnesota, at age 12. He began the pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Religion from Liberty University several years ago, and he is currently working to finish that degree. He hopes to work toward a Master of Divinity as well.

Karl and his wife Kayla married in 2008, and God has blessed them with four sons: Asher, Levi, Noah, and Ezra. Karl enjoys spending time with his wife and children, playing and working on his guitars, cooking, fishing, reading, camping, watching and playing hockey, wreaking havoc on anything with a motor and wheels, and tinkering in his garage.

As he serves at Faith, Karl enjoys the fellowship, prayer, and worship with the staff and congregation, and the opportunity to use his gifts and abilities to vocationally serve the body of Christ in this local church.


Why should someone come and worship at Faith Evangelical Free Church?

“My family and I have been warmly received since we arrived in Grand Forks, and it did not take long for this local church to feel like home. The pastors and elders strive to love, lead, shepherd, teach, and equip this congregation according to the unchanging truth of God's Word, and not according to tradition, cultural pressures, or pragmatism. Here I have found grace, wisdom, kindness, patience, and forgiveness among the leadership, and fellowship, friendship, and family in this congregation. If you're looking for a place to serve, worship, pray, learn, and mature in your faith with other fellow disciples of Jesus Christ, Faith Evangelical Free Church might be the place for you.”