Discipleship Ministries

Real people meeting the real God in real relationships.

Our desire is to disciple adults into mature and devoted followers of Jesus. We have several opportunities for adults to learn the Word of God! On Sundays, our Faith Fellowship Groups learn about God’s Word from our elders. Throughout the week, during the school year, we have Bible studies for men and women.

“But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3, ESV) 

Undivided Conference

We live in a world that bombards us with enticing distractions. While some distractions may be harmless, others bring great danger to our holiness, our commitment to Christ, and even the gospel. Join us on Saturday, March 22nd, for fellowship, worship, and teaching that calls us to pursue undivided devotion to Christ. Registration Check-ins start at 8:30 am. Four sessions and lunch will conclude by 3:30 pm. We will consider what the Apostle Paul calls “sincere and pure devotion” as Dr. Andy Naselli leads us to a proper grasp of God’s sanctifying work.

Registrations for our Undivided Conference are still open!

Faith Fellowship Groups


In Crossroads, Lowell Nelson is excited to dive into "Majoring on the Minors," a study of the minor prophets—Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. These short books are rich in what they can teach us. They emphasize key themes such as justice, joy, God’s sovereignty, love, faithfulness, hope, and the coming of Jesus. Their messages offer profound insights into living faithfully and understanding God’s promises and character. Click here to sign up!


This winter/spring in Anchored, join Nick Zaccardi and Jason Holm in a study in the Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen. Duties of Christian Fellowship deals with a matter of perennial concern for every truly Christian church. In just a few pages it sets out in very concise terms the responsibilities all Christians have, first, to their pastors, and then second, to one another within the fellowship of the local church. John Owen, both a pastor and theologian, provides a highly practical manual on church fellowship.
Click here to sign up!


As believers, we strive for obedience to God, who has outlined what is right and wrong. However, trusting Him, especially when life is confusing, is more challenging. This year in Foundations with Chad Williamson and Jeff Hoplin, we will explore difficult questions like, Is God still sovereign? Can I trust Him? We will be guided by Jerry Bridges' insights and biblical stories that reveal God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, working for His glory and our ultimate good. Click here to sign up!


Interested in exploring the stories of martyrs, the rise and fall of empires, and the evolution of church doctrines? The Story of Us delves into over two millennia of Church history, revealing a dynamic interplay of faith, culture, and politics. Join Steadfast, along with Anton Van Straaten and Tim Bartel, to deepen your knowledge, broaden your understanding, and connect with the rich tapestry of Christian history. Click here to sign up!

The Scooter Society

The Scooter Society is a Monday morning discussion group where the theological rubber meets the road of real life at Scooter’s Coffee on South Washington Street! They meet every Monday at 8:05 am. Pastor Anton leads an engaging conversation with other believers. Sometimes, the coffee is even free! Contact Pastor Anton below to let him know you’ll be joining the Scooter Society!

Weekly Groups and Studies

Bible studies, prayer groups, and discipleship courses

Sojourners Fellowship Study

Wednesdays at 10:00 am, join Scott Hulst for a study of 1 and 2 Peter. Sojourners places a high value on bearing one another’s burdens in prayer and often closes their study in song.

Monday Prayer Group

Faithfully, every Monday afternoon, a group of us meets for prayer in room 209. All are welcome to join us in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ, our church, our community, and our country. Contact us if you have questions!

By Heart Bible Memorization

Have you left Scripture memorization behind in your discipleship? Do you think that you "just can't memorize?" Do you know more passwords than God's Word? If so, consider getting Scripture memory work into your daily time with the Lord. "By Heart" is a small group that is serious about Scripture memory. When you join "By Heart," you will choose a passage you'd like to learn and share your progress and memorization roadblocks. You'll be able to share how God uses what you have memorized. You will learn from others' approaches to memorizing Scripture. "By Heart" is definitely a "no pressure" approach to Scripture memory and meets every other Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the church Lounge. 


Check out our Men’s and Women’s Ministries!