From Sunday morning Children’s Church to Wednesday night Awana, our children’s ministry is devoted to Scripture memorization and seeking Christ.


Our Awana program is offered for children aged three through fifth grade. It gives children opportunities to know, love, and serve Jesus on a weekly basis. Awana is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. during the school year. Children and volunteers come together to sing, hear Bible stories, do skits, play games, memorize God’s Word, and have fun.

Our 2024-2025 Awana Parent Handbook can be accessed here.

If you would like more information about the Awana organization, go to

Awana registrations are available for 2024-2025! Sign up HERE!

Sunday School

September - May

During the adult Fellowship Groups, 11:00-12:00 pm, Sunday Morning Bible Time is available for children ages 3 through 5th grade. Dedicated teachers use The Gospel Project to lead children through Scripture, Bible activities, music, and prayer. You can read more about The Gospel Project here.

Secure check-ins are located at the bottom of the north and south stairwells.

Children’s Church

Worship opportunities for Children!

Children’s Church is available on the lower level during our worship services. The Gospel Project, an extended worship curriculum, leads children through a Bible lesson and a variety of activities that reinforce the Scripture content. Children’s Church is available for children ages 3 (as of August 1st) through Kindergarten. Children ages 6-11 are encouraged to sit with their parents during the worship service. Busy bags are located by the sanctuary doors to engage children during the worship service.

You can read more about The Gospel Project here.

Secure check-ins are located at the bottom of the north and south stairwells.


Are you interested in using your gifts to invest in the next generation? If so, we would love to prayerfully consider with you the opportunity to serve the children and families at Faith! If you are interested in becoming part of the children’s ministry team, fill out an online application and a member of our staff will follow up with you about the screening process and next steps. We also have teens who fill vital roles volunteering with other children. Minors are also required to complete a student volunteer application. Thank you!