Faith That Writes!
Writing that declares the Word of God and disciples believers into mature and devoted followers of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God
The Holy Spirit is often spoken of as though He is unknowable or mysterious. Many of us struggle to understand the Spirit. What an odd thing for God’s people to say! For the Spirit dwells in us and among us who follow Christ on this side of Pentecost - He is very close to us indeed!
“Folded the Grave Clothes”
Look with eyes of faith, see with your inner person, and believe that on that morning, glorious bright - hope dawned in the folded grave cloths of Jesus Christ.
Christ Will Be My Hideaway
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)
I Run to Christ
No matter how your day went, dear friend, run to your Friend, your Advocate, your Defense, your Sure Escape, your Mighty Arm, your Refuge, and Peace. “Run to Christ” by faith and find refreshment for your soul.
See, Amid the Winter’s Snow
It has been said many times, many ways, that without the manger, the cross makes no sense. There can be no road to Jerusalem without the “silent night’ in Bethlehem.
It Is Not Death to Die
It is not death to die, to leave this weary road,
And join the saints who dwell on high,
Who’ve found their home with God .
Hymns of Heidelberg for Young Hearts
What truth can calm the troubled soul?
God is good, God is good.
Give to the Winds Your Fears
Give to the winds your fears, in hope be undismayed; God knows your needs and sees your tears; God shall lift up your head.