Adult Ministries
Real people meeting the real God in real relationships
Our desire is to disciple adults into mature and devoted followers of Jesus. We have several opportunities for adults to learn the Word of God! On Sundays, our Faith Fellowship Groups learn about God’s Word from our elders. Throughout the week, during the school year, we have Bible studies for men and women.
Faith Fellowship Groups
Who God is and what He is like will be the focus of Foundations (2 Timothy 2:19) under the guidance of Jeff Hoplin, Chad Williamson, and Web Gehring so that we can get to know God better. Foundations will help you truly know God from His Word instead of just accumulating information about Him. J.I. Packer’s classic work, “Knowing God” will help us search the Scriptures that reveal the great and only God!" Sign up for Foundations!
In Crossroads, Doug Rambeck and Lowell Nelson are excited to lead a 3-part study consisting of the Spiritual Gifts, the Fruit of the Spirit, and the "Let Us" passages contained in the book of Hebrews. Our study will be heavy on personal and church body life application meant to build up the church body as we grow together in service to others (Jeremiah 6:16). Sign up for Crossroads!
Believers are called to bear the fruit of the spirit, but it is hard amidst a culture that pushes us in the opposite direction. Come and explore the richness of Galatians 5 (Fruits of the Spirit) with Nick Zaccardi, Scott Hulst, and Jason Holm. In Anchored, we will seek to encourage believers at Faith through study, dialogue, and discussion. Sign up for Anchored!
Our newest fellowship group invites you to embark on a transformative journey of biblical discovery and a renewed appreciation for the Bible’s role in the life of a believer. With Tim Bartel and Anton Van Straaten, we will explore how to become Steadfast in our faith and firm in our love for one another here at Faith. Sign up for Steadfast!
Women’s Ministry
Our mission as Women of the Word (WoW) is to declare the Word of God to women and disciple women into mature, devoted followers of Christ. We aim to see women equipped for ministry for the unity of the body of believers at FEFC (Ephesians 4:12-13). We seek to accomplish this vision through a variety of ministries. Each with significantly different structures and feel, but each would direct our women to the same purpose of becoming Women of the Word of God. In order to accomplish this vision, we see the following objectives be met through a variety of ministry opportunities:
Teaching God’s Word among women and applying it to our daily lives.
Encouraging the application of God’s Word through discipleship and mentoring relationships.
Building solid, biblical friendships among women to form the aforementioned discipleship and mentoring relationships.
Connecting with women who attend FEFC.
Current Ministry Opportunities
Mugs and Muffins - Join us on the second Saturday of each month for a time of fellowship, warm drinks, and muffins. Bring your favorite mug! Mugs and Muffins meets in various host homes each month. To view their schedule, click here: Mugs and Muffins.
Women of the Word (WoW) - WoW hosts one weekly bible study at two meeting times. Join Joyce Folson on Mondays at 6:30 pm or Tuesdays at 9:30 am for a guided study through the book of Ephesians written by Lisa Hughes.
From the doctrinal heights of our inheritance “in Christ” to instructions in how to live to the glory of God, Ephesians is a “must study” for every believer
During the Tuesday morning study, discipleship care is provided for children five and under. To learn more about WoW, join their mailing list, or sign up to be part of the group, click the appropriate button below!

Men’s Ministry
Too many Christian men start enthusiastically, then fall short. Falling short can be a public fall – for example, a high-profile ministry leader gets caught in a sex scandal. But for most men, falling short isn’t a newsworthy spectacle. It’s subtler and closer to home. It’s floundering in the faith, then stunted spiritual growth. It’s entering the race God has called them to with zeal, then choosing to coast. For most men, coasting begins with the absence of discipleship and accountability. Men disconnect themselves from accountability and discipleship, but not long before their faith flounders and their growth flatlines. They fail to disciple and invest in others for fear of being exposed, and they have little to offer. It seems so many ‘men’ start the race well, but few finish it to win the prize.
For the Christian, the race is not a hundred-meter sprint but a marathon that takes a different kind of discipline and planning. Any marathon athlete has a different pace that takes self-discipline.
Current Ministry Opportunities
Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts - Join us for a home-cooked breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 am at the church. To sign up for the breakfasts and see the scheduled list of topics and speakers, please CLICK HERE.
Men’s Retreat - Whether you are young or seasoned, married or solo, spiritually fit or totally anemic, the Cooperstown Men's Retreat will be a growing experience. The goal: Establish discipleship relationships for mutual accountability and edification (Galatians 6:1-2). We desire to have mature, godly men come alongside other men to disciple them into becoming mature followers of Christ who run the race with endurance. The cost is $80 per person, and the registration deadline is October 21, 2023. Register here to learn more!